My name is Jennifer Bradley. My son, Carrington Frye, was murdered by another inmate at Macon State Prison on March 20, 2020. On the day of Carrington's murder there was said to have been only 1 guard to oversee and surveil 188 inmates. Carrington laid in the Sally port about 30 to 40 minutes bleeding out from stab wounds to his neck and chest awaiting the critically limited crew. The one guard present that day never stepped out of her booth. I was notified of my son’s murder and the circumstances surrounding his death approximately six hours after the incident, not by any prison official, but by another inmate. The officials of the Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) have yet to speak with me concerning what happened to my son. Not only have they refused to speak with me, but the officials at Macon State Prison failed to secure and return Carrington’s personal belongings to me, and have denied having any records on him. Carrington had been incarcerated since he was seventeen years old as a first offender on aggravated assault charges. At the time of his murder, he was just months shy of his 24 birthday, and his release from prison.
Starting with the day my son was murdered, I have been lied to and given the run-around, and pretty much ignored by Warden Perry, the Facilities Director; Scott Crickmar, and the GDC. I even attempted to relay my concerns to Commissioner Timothy Ward, whose disposition was rude, defensive, and insensitive. Commissioner Ward refused to have a conversation with me and ended the call abruptly. I must admit, his response was disheartening; as I am a grieving mother whose son lost his life in one of Commissioner Ward’s Prisons. As one of the “Gatekeepers” of the GDC, I would think a conversation with a bereaved mother would be the least he could have done. I've also emailed Commissioner Ward inquiring about changes that are being implemented to help ensure the safety of other inmates; I have yet to hear from him. I’ve written to the office of Governor Brian Kemp, twice, not only concerning the murder of my son, but also the rampant violence and deplorable conditions of Macon State Prison. Just like his subordinates, Governor Kemp has failed to acknowledge me and my concerns, my son's murder, and the unconstitutional conditions of Macon State Prison. I have tirelessly poured out my heart in correspondence to the U.S Department of Justice pleading for a full investigation into Macon State Prison. Again, it appears I’ve fallen on deaf ears. Is there a leader anywhere who cares about this life and death issue that affects the lives of the people who’ve helped put them in positions of political power?! This is not an “incarcerated folks” problem. This is a societal problem. What happened to Carrington is not an isolated incident, but a systemic issue of inhumane conditions, corruption, injury and death. The critical staffing shortage, improperly trained staff, lack of appropriate security and surveillance, obscured and improperly working security cameras, corruption and breakdown in communication processes have placed the Georgia Department of Corrections in a crisis. There have been far too many murders at Macon State Prison alone. Our loved ones are not coming home. And those who do are often worse off; inflicted with mental illnesses; PTSD, depression, sleep deprivation, and paranoia; from things they’ve witnessed and experienced behind those prison walls. Many of these same offenders are released back into society in a continuous cycle of untreated mental illness, frequent ER visits with unpaid, and piling healthcare debt, reactive criminal thinking and recidivism.
Our Gatekeepers need to be held accountable to the obligations of their position, and their duty to uphold the Constitution for ALL. We cannot afford for our leaders to continue to ignore this grave issue. My son, and many others have paid with their blood. Please help me in this urgent call to action for the U.S Department of Justice to launch a full investigation into the deplorable conditions of Macon State Prison, and the GDC as a whole; In hopes that what happened to Carrington will not happen to another prisoner.